Street Khouidmi Abdelkader n°16 Frenda road -Tiaret

Historical religious tourist circuit

atik mosque:

The atik mosque is one of the most important religious historical monuments in the state. Its construction dates back to the year 1869 AD. It is located in the center of the city and is distinguished by its architecture and the quality of the stones that were built

Which qualifies it to be a villa for tourists in the field of religious tourism

Sidi Nasser Mosque in frenda:

Sidi al-Nasser Mosque in Frenda, the oldest mosque in Tiaret, is more than eight centuries old. It was built in 994 AH. It was restored in 1872 AD by Ahmed Ould al-Qadi when he built the church in Feranda as a response to colonialism.

The zaouia of Sidi Addah Ghulam Allah Sidi Al-Hasani Mughila:


This zaouia is considered one of the most prominent tourist and religious attractions in the region because of its natural and archaeological sites that date back to much before 1850 AD.

Jabal Mahnoun solitude in which he used to worship the guardian of God, my master several.

The Old Qur’anic School, Si Al-Mukhtar Mosque and Al-Talaba Mosque

the ruins Columnata:

Stone platforms located in Sidi al-Hassani. This region, which is considered the cradle of the primitive man known as Colomanata 6330-5250 BC, is currently in the Bardo Museum in Algiers. It is also the cradle of the Barbary horse, whose existence dates back to 8000-11000 years. As for the Colomanata Palace, it occupies a strategic location in the Raurawa heights. In the municipality of Saturday, it was built on a high plateau that may be a defensive strip surrounding most of the palace sides and close to the sources of water, which indicates that the human presence and civilization in this area is as old as history