Street Khouidmi Abdelkader n°16 Frenda road -Tiaret

urban tourist circuit

This tour differs from other tourist trails in the state in that it is known for all the historical and religious sites, as well as the traditional local products that abound in the N region, which will enhance the image of the urban tourism and will make it a place to attract tourists from inside and outside the state.

Visit the atik mosque

The ancient mosque is one of the most important religious historical monuments in the state, as its construction dates back to the year 1869 AD. It is located in the center of the city and is distinguished by its architecture and the quality of the stones it was built with, which qualifies it to be a setting for tourists in the field of religious tourism.

visit to the The House of Handicrafts

The House of Handicrafts is a space directed for the benefit of tourists and visitors, dedicated to displaying and selling traditional handicraft products that characterize the state, such as weaving, saddlery, pottery, and others.

visit to the horse breeding center of Chaouchoua

The Chaouchoua horse breeding center in the city of Tiaret, which was established in 1874 AD, is considered one of the most important centers for the production of horses of various breeds, at the national level, which enabled the city to be the capital of the Maghreb and Arab horses, where Tiaret was the first to host the first national festival for the horse that gathered equestrian lovers. And those who are fond of horse racing, from different parts of the country.

Visit the craftsmen’s gallery in the city center

It is a gallery of 24 shops dedicated to craftsmen to display and sell their handicraft products for the benefit of visitors and tourists